Hello all! it's been a while, so here we go!
Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast
One Sunday at the beginning of the semester, January 13th to be exact, I was pumped because I was about to play the coolest game ever with some of the coolest guys ever. The game is called Berzerker. It's a combination between football, rugby, soccer, and basketball. Awesome! right!? YA! It was the first play of the game, I got the ball, took one step, and POP!! I was down. I tore a calf muscle and the next 2 weeks of life were the most agonzingly, dreadful, exhausting experience ever.....crutches. Now some of you may think,,"o, crutches, those look easy." or "I've been on crutches before and they weren't that bad" well I hated them! But of course, I learned something. I dont know why, but everything i encounter, I think about those things, for days haha. Being on crutches, it was difficult to get around, especially since i had to get around birmingham. For the most part, i just tried as much as i could to suck it up and be tough about travleing multiple blocks. I think what helped out alot was the fact that people were very thoughtful. They held open doors and were always offering to help carry things for me; however, i nicely rejected the help. Why? i dunno. I just wanted to do everything for myself, even somethin as simple as carry something up stairs. So I did, after i rejected help. I never fell down the stairs, or was unable to perform my day to day tasks. I made it. While i crutched from place to place i did have alot of time to just think, and so i thought about how i wanted to continue doing everything for myself, but most of all, how all of us wants to do everything ourselves when it comes to Religion. Lets take a poll(raise your hand if this applies, i will too)....How many of you want to do everything they can each day to ensure a spot in Heaven? How many of you spend time each day reading the Bible and praying cause you want to be saved? How many of you think that you will be saved because of your deeds, faith, or because you have committed less sin then someone else that you know? One thing i learned was that there is nothing that you or I could ever,, EVER do to be saved. Not one act of kindness, one right word, or refraining from an activity earns us salvation...Guys, we are saved and saved only by Jesus. There is nothing we could ever do to earn salvation ourselves because Jesus has already done that. God sent Him to die on the cross for US. By that act, and that act alone we are saved, and cleansed from our sins. Not by anything that you, your siblings, your parents, or your preacher has done, But by the Grace of God alone. I wanted to do everything myself and triumph over my injury, and i realized that it just wasn't possible to do alone. Ya i got rid of the crutches and can walk on my own now, but i still need doctors to finish the healing. Its not because i can say no to my temptations, make it to church on sundays, or show compassion for others,, no, It's because Jesus suffered and died for me and for you. That is why you and I are saved. If God us tuggin at your heart, and you so badly want to enter the kingdom, the only thing you need to do is confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and find yourself a good Bible based Church.
Love yall!