Many people like to ask the question, "Where is God?" There are so many times in which we hurt and suffer. There are other times in which life seems so unfair. God has promised us many things, but He has not promised us that life would always be fair, or pain free; however, many people still get the illusion that because they become a Christian then life is all downhill from there. Well, yes and no. No, just because you become a Christian doesn't mean that you get one of those "easy buttons" from staples. You may sometimes go through a hard time whether it be struggling with sin or just random things in life that kick you in the butt and you wonder "God where are you in all of this?" Then there's the "yes" aspect of this. Because you become a Christian and accept Jesus into your life, you no longer have to let sin run your life. You now have a savior who rescued you from death, from eternal pain. You recieve a God who loves you , who has loved you, and will love you forever. With a God of this magnitude comes an all knowing God who knows your every need, thought, passion, struggle, and pain. There are many passages involving this subject, but there is one that I chose: Psalm 139:1-18. 5 (read)
In this Psalm, David talks about how God knows his every thought before he thinks it, and every word before he speaks it. That God is everywhere and that you cannot escape His presence. Verse 12 says that darkness cant even hide you from God for He shines like the day. And even before David was born God had planned out each of his days. In verse 17 "How precious to me are your thoughts, God!" David is saying, "God I don't know what your will for me is but I know that as long as I'm faithful to you and your word that you have great things in store for me. I am not afraid to give you my life and to let you take control."
So where is God? From what we have read, He is everywhere and in everything. To feel His presence you must be aware of Him first. My challenge for you is to go out and find Him. Where out in the world is He? But most importantly, is He in you?